It sometimes helps to throw a dash of whimsy at the bonfire of chaos. What’s the worst that’s gonna happen? To that end, I’ve tried different ways to find amusement in the midst of the pandemonium conjured by my daughter. Sometimes I repeat her exact crying voice verbatim, only louder. Sometimes I converse with her in her “language”. Sometimes I make up weird songs. Sometimes, I just keep coming up with new pet names for her.
Some of them make no sense. Some of them are outright mean. (No, I’m not going to tell you those.) Some of them are not half-bad. Well, you tell me.
Squirmy Wormy
That’s just how she moves most of the time, squirming like a worm.
Meatball Sub
A bunch of supple meatballs loosely bound together, no?
Miss Dimples
I think she takes after her mom on that. I certainly don’t have dimples. Or perhaps I do but I’m too bony to show?
Sweet Pea
When she’s all swaddled up, there is simply no other way to see her.
The Yummy One
I don’t get it either.
I was looking for Q-Tips.
~ Du